

Improve the way you move through coaching for pain relief, postural correction and performance.

Most of us carry around pain in our own bodies but we expect someone else to ‘fix’ it through hands-on therapy. Even though this may relieve the pain, it may only be for the short term (or for as long as we continue to see the therapist) which means we remain reliant on someone else.

By adopting this approach, we lose the ability to manage our own pain, which can lead to the loss of empowerment and permanently reduced body awareness and connection. It can also result in restricted ranges of movement, habitual patterns (bad habits), and ongoing, possibly worsening, pain, along with difficulty relaxing.

Movement for self-healing

Somara Somatics is a gentle, mindful movement therapy that helps you self-diagnose, treat your pain and rehabilitate by reconnecting your body with your brain to set new muscle patterns.

Most muscular pain derives from permanently contracted muscles. These patterns are often caused by habitual bad posture, psychological and physical trauma or ongoing stress, as well as poor sporting technique. Somatics is a tried-and-tested method for rehabilitation to get you back to easier functional movement.

Somara Somatics is based on the Thomas Hanna method of somatics and is enhanced with guided meditation techniques. While it can work in conjunction with complementary therapies like physiotherapy, chiropractic or osteopathy, it is designed to help you achieve pain-free movement without pharmaceuticals or surgery, like I did.

Everyone with muscular pain should be able to heal themselves. Somara Somatics challenges the way people look at movement and pain relief. Classes, workshops and private sessions show you how to self-diagnose treat your pain and rehabilitate by reconnecting your body with your brain and setting new muscle patterns.

The power to heal yourself

Somara somatics will help you feel connected, empowered and, with sustained practice, pain-free.

The results of regular practice are:

  • Heightened sensory awareness of the muscles
  • Self-administered pain relief
  • More balanced posture
  • A wider range of movement
  • Increased energy levels
  • The ability to reach a deeper state of relaxation
  • Improved sleep
  • Greater feeling of empowerment
  • Improved sporting performance

One participant described a Somara Somatics class as “feeling weightless and free to move easily, like being suspended in water.” Here’s what some other people said:

I can actually move my head without any pain, my shoulders are so much more relaxed and so much of the tension has eased around my shoulder muscles right down to my lower back where I always have an aching pain.
Liz Wallace
This is the most relaxed I’ve ever felt; the session enabled me to switch off my mind and feel really heavy in my body.
Lisa Clarke
I’ve had chronic shoulder pain for 3 years: I’ve seen osteopaths, chiropractors, physiotherapists, you name it, I’ve tried them all. After only 2 one-to-one sessions with you, Mara, remarkably, I have noticed a massive pain relief in my shoulder, I can’t believe it. I am so relieved and excited to have finally found something that works to remove the pain I’ve held onto for so long. Thank you!
Gael Fornham

Upcoming Somatics Sessions

Somara Somatics is delivered through classes, workshops and private sessions (one-to-one or groups). These are the next sessions:

  • 24 February @ 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm
    24 February @ 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm

    Somatic Yoga – 24 February 25

    Somatic Yoga – 24 February 25

    Your Content Goes Here

  • 3 March @ 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm
    3 March @ 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm

    Somatic Yoga – 03 March 25

    Somatic Yoga – 03 March 25

    Your Content Goes Here

Private Bookings

If you're looking for a one-to-one Somara Somatics session, or would like to book a group session in your holiday accommodation, pop your details into this form and Mara will be in touch.